Sunday, February 27, 2011

Subject: The latest in Egyptian battle helmet technology

A late post and certainly not my creation, not sure who deserves the attribution either

So just to explain – these are makeshift helmets made by Egyptians whilst scrapping in their current predicament. Notes are below each photograph for your guidance.
Your classic 1979 ‘Tribottle rag’ helmet – a must-have in any type of combat
A late '80s ‘boxhat’. The bloke next to him doesn’t appear too sure of its effectiveness
A renaissance period piece of brickwear teamed with a black and cream scarf. A classic.
I'm not sure that the tuna sandwich he is about to lob is going to cause too much destruction. Old skool '80s broken bin helmet. I personally love the fact he needs to lift it up to see – does he spend the rest of the time walking into things?
Textbook saucepan-and-life jacket combo with luxury chinstrap.
I literally have no idea what this is.
And the winner, by a mile: This bloke is going to war with 2 baguettes strapped to his ears and a ham salad sandwich cello-taped to his forehead.

Gaddafi-Zenga Song-No girl edit version (Noy Alooshe Remix)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Worth its weight in LSD

Forget about silver, gold, diamonds, precious stones aint got nothing on this juice. This has got to be some of the most expensive stuff on the planet especially when when considered on a weight basis. To make the math remedial lets say this 90mg vial costs nine thousand dollars. In fact i believe it may be slightly more. So that puts it on the order of 100,000$ a gram. Or 100,000,000 $ a kilogram ( a hundred million dollars a kilogram). The handy internet will help me see what comes close. Saffron, the worlds most expensive spice, is about $600 dollars a kilogram, not even close. Almas caviar from Iran is $25,000 a kilogram, that already worth more than its weight in gold. Italian Alba White truffles reportedly have gone for $100,000 a kilogram. Apparently LSD comes in about the same cost as Stelara at 100,000,000$ per kg. However, that is certainly an illusory figure for LSD as its legal status (or lack thereof) is what drives its price up, no?

Now getting back to psoriasis, which it what stelara is for, i'm certain that its gonna be more effective than LSD. And you only need it four times a year, making it a real bargain. It was pointed out to me that once upon a time psoriasis was treated with gold. I wonder what the rational behind that was - use something very expensive, and hopefully it will work? Though on a weight by weight basis, gold would be cheaper. Though I doubt it would work as well. You get what you pay for.

Psst...check out wines of Roussillon

I had been blowing off this area by in large, until a relatively inexpensive bottle blew me out of the water last weekend. From the Maury appellation in Cotes de Roussillon Villages, i believe it is mostly old vine carignan, grown on schisty soil, which in essence sounds a lot like priorat. No wonder i liked it. In fact the wine reminded me of a cross between priorat and napa cab.

The appelation:
The wine I had: