Sunday, June 27, 2010

ThJ on ViN

Dec 16, 1815

Dear Sir,

Disappointments in procuring supplies have at length left me without a drop of wine... Wine from long habit has become an indispensable for my health, which is now suffering by its disuse

Thomas Jefferson

Cupa / FIFA / Dunya / Vindaloo / Apartheid- World Cup 2010 Videos and such

Ghana beat USA today, and I think they can go all the way.
France gone, drama? - who cares. Italy gone, age?- who cares. Nigeria gone.
Croatia not present. And Angland? We're going to score one more than you.
Me and me mum and me dad and me gran we're off to waterloo.
And apartheid?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The difference between Syphilis and Syrah

Joke first seen by me on Tanzer's site:

Q. What's the difference between syphilis and syrah?
A. At least you can get rid of a case of syphilis.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bordeaux 2009 Futures Pricing

Some first growths have just come out with their opening tranche futures pricing.
For example Lafite rolls in at 755Euros and Latour, not to be one upped, at 823Euros. No these are not case prices my friends, this is per bottle delivered to you in 2 years, and perhaps meant to be consumed a decade later.

Ausone came out at 1000Euros (per bottle) in 2005, so its not a record, but it still smacks me as silly.

So would one of my wine loving friends please buy a few extra bottles of the above and call me over when the time is right for a tasting? You know who you are. And if you have a pimple on your ass that needs to be popped, by all means let me know.

It's all summed up at the following website:

Thursday, June 17, 2010

British Petroleum testifying in Congress

Subtitled: the Drug Pushers vs the Drug Addicts