Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The coming implosion?

What happens to a group of entitled, relatively well off and or privledged persons when their entitlements, wealth, and status fall by the wayside? All hell breaks loose... Are we setting ourselves up in the US for demogoguery to come to the fore and wreak havoc? That worries me. With the deterioration of economic conditions, comes the wrath of the masses. And watch out, it can be, shall we say, not pretty.

Historically, the best integrated and most advanced societies seem to produce the biggest eruption - beware U,S, and A. Just look at Germany. the punitive econmic conditions imposed on Germany after the first World War went quite a ways to promoting an atmosphere where the populace would support a rabid, foaming at the mouth, lunatic, who, how shall we say this, 'rocked the world'. Moreover at the time Germany was one of the most advanced, progressive, and integrated societies of its time.

The world considers the US to be the biggest threat to world peace, and for a reason. After all which country has over the past decade has constantly flounted or eschewed international treaties, and with such attitude (Kyoto, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Banning Landmine start, International Criminal Court).

Have we created the circumstances for wild populism and the embraching of crazy ideas - like the end of income tax, state succession, political speech dominated by corporate wealth. When ditto heads and reactionaries float such ideas, and through their manipulatin of the media, it approachs what i consider demagoguery.

Robert Reich, former US Secretary of Labor put it nicely when he recently stated that, 'I dont remember a time in my lifetime when so many people and such a high proportion of Americans felt they were in danger of losing their jobs, their homes, their savings, or who have already done so, and when you have that much fear and anxiety, that is fertile ground for demogogues on the right or the left.' (See Ch13, approx Min40).

He also notes that Supreme court decision freeing corporations and unions from spending limits could not come at a worse time when Americans are feeling disenfranchised - it will all fuel the fire.


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