Thursday, February 18, 2010

Opening salvo

Well i finally got my act together to start a blog. What took me so long? Dunno, I'm busy. But it seems like a good thing to do especially for my legion of fans, no? Its a shame that all the URLs that i wanted are taken. I had to settle for Everyone knows munchrat, but if not they soon will. She defies taxonomic classification.

So then what to blog about today? How about just what's on the top of my head and that would be - what wine am I having tonite. Actually i'll save that for other posts. There's plenty of meat there to chew on. How about the amazing and inordinate political paralysis in the united states these days? One the one hand you have some very serious problems (national as well as global) that need to be addressed, on the flip side you have extreme paralysis among the government. The problem is that extremists and moneyed interests have hijacked the electoral process, and everyone in government is too busy looking out for their own ass. Too afraid to look cozy with the other side, dont want to be tossed out by the fringe? You know what to do then - heads in the sand until the government goes broke, planet boils over and all hell breaks loose. But hey, at least you'll still have your seat.

I'd like to grab you by the seat of your pants...

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